=== Solutioon Web Scraping Tool ===
Contributors: solutioon
Tags: web scraping, scraping, big data, scraping tool
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag: 4.1
Web scraping plugin, a tool by solutioon useful for scraping data from another web with a shortcode.
== Description ==
Web scraping plugin, a tool by solutioon useful for scraping data from another web with a shortcode.
Just fill the url with the data to do the web scraping. The pattern for php fuction preg_mag with an # as delimiter at the beginning and end (do not use \\ as it\’s html. Fill the shortcode to be used.
== Installation ==
1.- Install plugin just by using wordpress installer
== Changelog ==
1.0 First version.
To see an example of configuration go to http://solutioon.com/sample_using_solutioon_web_scraping_tool_plugin/
If you need help, send me an email or a twitter (find links in the top of the page).